When Viewing Examples of Student Work:

Often a single example of work may not demonstrate all the required objectives for a particular assignment. Instead students should collectively consider: the required objectives for each assignment, the multiple examples presented on this website and during in class presentations. As well ideas discovered through a student's independent research in combination with various examples and ideas presented by instructor will ultimately be the best approach for synthesizing ideas and reaching the requirements (and unique outcome) for any particular course project. Attendance and participation in all classes and meeting with instructor with Art Assignments in progress well in advance of deadlines will increase chances for desired grade. To access all posts and links for the art part of this course go on the right side of this course website."LISTINGS FOR LECTURES (COURSE TOPICS) & ASSIGNMENTS"

May 7 - Assignment 1 Presentation and Assignment Requirements

FA 1020 / Math 1020      Mathematics in Art

Art Instructor: Derek Brueckner
Office: 337 ART Lab 
Email: derek.brueckner@umanitoba.ca

Assignment 1:  Preliminary to Final Project Assignment    
(Weighted 15% of course) 

DUE: May 23

All assignments are due at the beginning of class, once the instructor has left the classroom the assignment is considered late. 

Assignments submitted late after class has ended on the day of assignment deadline will be deducted one letter grade.
No assignments will be accepted beyond 1:00 pm on any given deadline date. Any assignment submitted beyond 1:00 pm of any assignment deadline date will receive a ZERO Grade.

Summary of Assignment: Create an artwork using coloured art materials that is 15 x 20 inches on illustration board incorporating one example from each of the three mathematical concepts listed below.  All three concepts with each concept’s iteration should be clearly indicated and neatly labeled on a 15 x 20 inch acetate overlay.  This work must include one wet medium in addition to other optional colour art materials.

Three Mathematical Concepts/Iterations to Select:

- Euclidean Geometry and Euclidean Construction
- Golden Ratio Construction

Assignment Requirements:

1) A minimum of three selected mathematical concepts/iterations in colour (no black or white)
2) Labels of concepts with corresponding iterations securely attached underneath to acetate
3) Acetate is securely attached to top edge of work with neatly printed name and course section (A01)  
    Please do NOT indicate your student number.

4) Variety, complexity and unity in the over all design including:
A) Shape, line, colour, material characteristics and their organization in relation to: each other (intervals/negative   spaces and overlapping), the overall composition and optical illusions of space created through overlapping of shapes and lines (sense of depth in overall work).
B) Different use of art materials, art styles, and considering context and relationship between different    sensibilities (controlled/analytical and uncontrolled/intuitive).
C) Clarity of intentions in relation to art and math concepts (art concepts being 4 and 5 on this checklist)

5) Art Materials and Process - Integrated investigative process in physicality, layering and optics including:
A) Variety of Mark making
B) Thick and thin applications of materials
C) Editing, layering and revising - additive subtractive processes of materials, opaqueness and transparency of materials
D) Matt and gloss surfaces/materials
E) Range of colour mixing
F) Colour interaction and optics of colour with in the space (strategic use of colour to create depth)
G) Overall clarity of intentions of materials