When Viewing Examples of Student Work:

Often a single example of work may not demonstrate all the required objectives for a particular assignment. Instead students should collectively consider: the required objectives for each assignment, the multiple examples presented on this website and during in class presentations. As well ideas discovered through a student's independent research in combination with various examples and ideas presented by instructor will ultimately be the best approach for synthesizing ideas and reaching the requirements (and unique outcome) for any particular course project. Attendance and participation in all classes and meeting with instructor with Art Assignments in progress well in advance of deadlines will increase chances for desired grade. To access all posts and links for the art part of this course go on the right side of this course website."LISTINGS FOR LECTURES (COURSE TOPICS) & ASSIGNMENTS"

Perspective Assignment presented on Wed May 15 (Assignment 1)

Assignment 1 - Perspective Assignment (1 Point and 2 Point Perspective)
Mathematics in Art - FA 1020 \ MATH 1020
Due: Wednesday May 29

Instructor: Derek Brueckner      Office: 460 ART Lab

There is the choice of using analogue photographs or digital photographs. Either way this assignment requires two pictures taken with a camera or select two pictures (photographs from magazines) and depict converging lines, horizon line and vanishing points on each photograph (or reproductions of each photograph) This assignment’s ultimate goal for evaluation requires people to demonstrate a clear and precise comprehension of 1 Point Perspective in one photograph and 2 Point Perspective in the other photograph with complexity, neatness and accuracy in each photograph.

Details of Assignment Requirements and Format:
Each individual photograph should offer an interesting, challenging and unique solution for each part of the assignment. Notice that in all the examples presented below for the on line version of this assignment’s text there are only photographic examples that depict converging lines, vanishing points and a horizon line on top of each photographic image. DO NOT submit drawings or reproductions of drawings or illustrations!

The presentation of photographs should include:

A) Photo of a 1-point perspective 
The 1-point perspective assignment requires an example of a photograph that demonstrates a 1-point perspective concept in the purest sense possible. This assignment should not show any 2-point or 3-point perspective concepts with in this 1-point image. The 1 point perspective assignment will be evaluated according to: originality of image and level of complexity in terms of using multiple planes, lines and volumes at various locations, heights and widths with in a 1 point perspective context.


B) Photo of a 2-point perspective
The 2-point perspective does not need to be as pure in concept as the 1-point perspective. The 2-point perspective assignment can incorporate a multiple 2-point and or 3-point concepts into the overall 2-point assignment. Using multiple 2-point and or 3-point concepts can be a beneficial to the grade in the over all 2-point perspective assignment provided there is a collective complexity, originality and accuracy with the overall assignment. As in the 1-point perspective the 2-point perspective will also be evaluated according to: originality of image and level of complexity in terms of using multiple planes, lines and volumes at various locations, heights and widths.

Each photograph will also be evaluated in terms of depicting: a horizon line, vanishing point(s) and converging lines in the most complex, correct and neatest way possible.
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Details of Assignment Requirements and Format (continued):

The 1 point and 2-point assignments will be submitted into two separated piles for grading so make sure first and last name are on the front of both assignments and that the 1point and 2point assignments are NOT attached together with paper clips, staples, or tape. 

Each photograph/assignment should also be on a separate sheet of paper. Both sheets of paper for each photographic image should not be any larger than 8.5 x 11 inches. In some cases people may need to securely add another sheet of paper to depict the converging lines and vanishing lines but if numerous sheets of paper are required to depict the converging lines and the vanishing points then there is a strong possibility that the image may be too difficult to complete accurately. Any added paper in addition to being securely attached should also be able to fold in and out easily from the assignment’s 8.5 x 11 inches dimensions.

Just to reiterate: on the front of each photograph people must neatly print their first and last name. Do not put your student number on either assignment. As well title each work, label one photograph example as the 1 point perspective and label the other photograph example as the 2 point perspective.  Also stated, each assignment must label the horizon line and the vanishing point(s)

Analogue Photograph/Option
To complete the analogue version of the assignment securely attach a sheet of (clear) acetate only at the top of the picture over each photograph then on the surface of the acetate draw: neatly and accurately draw converging lines to vanishing points on the acetate. Also label vanishing points and horizon line in both perspective examples. This assignment can be drawn by hand, using a straight edge and a fine tipped marker. If people are worried about mistakes one option for the analogue version is to start with a non-permanent marker and once the assignment is correct retrace lines with a permanent marker to prevent the lines of the non-permanent marker from smudging or disappearing completely. The other option is to lightly draw converging lines, horizon line, vanishing point(s) with a pencil on the photograph as an initial guide and then use a permanent marker to trace the lines and other information on the acetate.

Digital Photograph/Option
There is also the option of doing this assignment in a digital version by using Photoshop and doing a digital drawing on a digital photo depicting converging lines, vanishing point(s), a horizon line in each image, labeling vanishing points and horizon line in both perspective examples. Once work is completed then print out each of the digitally manipulated photos on separate sheets of 8.5 x 11 inches. (Obviously if you are not proficient in Photoshop the digital approach will not be an option)

Consultation with Instructor:
If the perspective assignment presentation and or the presentation on perspective is unclear even when attending the lectures immediately make an appointment to see instructor after class or a mutually agreeable time. 

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(information below not reproduced in hard copy of assignment handed out in class)

These images below most samples are evaluated as adequate to good (C to B) examples of work done for the perspective assignment.  To be clear as to what is a very good to an excellent (B+ to A) assignment people should make sure they check their notes from class to understand all the expectations for the assignment.  Some better examples of the perspective assignment are presented in class but will not be posted. Once again the instructor is willing to assist students outside of class provided the instructor is consulted at a reasonable time before the assignment deadline.

Some Examples of the 1 Point Perspectives Assignment:
The examples collectively presented in the image below on this blog demonstrates an extremely basic understanding of 1 point perspective showing a minimal amount of converging lines in a deep space. Overall the work could be more complex, adventurous and unique in terms of subject matter and overall selection of subject matter in space. 

Some Examples of the 2 Point Perspectives Assignment:

The example presented in the image below on this blog demonstrates a clear understanding of 2 point perspective and even though shows many complex converging lines in a deep space should be more adventurous and unique in terms of subject matter and overall selection of space. 

In this example  of a two point perspective above (and the detail below) all planes parallel in plan view have converging lines going to 2 points (vanishing points)  in the image. As in many image examples such as this image a vanishing point or both points may be located outside the frame of the picture plane. As always these two vanishing points in a two point perspective are both positioned on the horizon line.   

As suggested in the above description of the examples presented in this assignment these examples may present an understanding of two point perspective in the assignment but are not stellar examples (See the description of examples in the above text of this assignment why these examples are not stellar) as well the last image above is incomplete and kind of quickly done. In the above work for the assignment the person missed the opportunity to draw in many more converging lines to both vanishing points and the horizon line was not drawn in nor was the work labelled with the title, the vanishing points, or the horizon line. 

Some Potential Problems in the Perspective Assignment that will Prevent Elevation of Grade during Evaluation Process: 

Inaccurate converging lines

Missing converging lines

Missing vanishing points or mistakes or confusion as to where the vanishing points are located

Simple images which lacked complexity: Overall the subject matter in the 1 point perspective image or in the 2 point perspective image did not offer much for converging lines and was overall a very simple presentation of the concept.

An image that is designated as a 1 point perspective image but is actually a 2 point perspective image or a multiple 2 point perspective image.

In some cases an image that is categorized as a 1 point perspective image or more often a 2 point perspective image is actually a 3 point perspective image. This incorrect categorization of the image then creates confusion regarding the accurate locations of the vanishing points on the horizon line and the overall accurate location of the horizon line. Ultimately these confusions cause the depiction of the vanishing points and (in particular) the horizon line to be positioned inaccurately in the image.

In some cases, over all the work(s) does not demonstrate an understanding of what a 1 point perspective image and or a 2 point perspective image is.

Not labeling assignments on the front of the image with name (printed) and not labeling the vanishing point(s) (VP) and the Horizon Line (HL)
Once again please do NOT put your student number on the assignment only indicate your first and last name on the front of each image submitted. 

Perspective Assignment Grade (5% of course) and Percentage Breakdown of Assignment:

GPA Grades on Assignment:

1 Point Perspective Image was a GPA grade out 4.5  (2.5% of course)

2 Point Perspective Image was a GPA grade out 4.5  (2.5% of course)

Note: GPA grade is out of 4.5
The GPA grade for the entire perspective assignment will be calculated by adding the GPA scores of the 1 Point Perspective Image and the 2 Point Perspective Image and then dividing the total of the two GPA grades by 2.

Grading Example to Determine Score on Perspective Assignment:
GPA score of 1 Point Perspective Image:      3.2
GPA score of 2 Point Perspective Image:   +  3.0             GPA total for perspective assignment 
                                                                     6.2  / 2 = 3.1  (out of 4.5)

Check information below (which was copied and pasted from course syllabus) for letter grade chart and scale for GPA grades and additional information regarding grading criteria.

Description of grading scale as listed in art syllabus for Math in Art course:

Letter Grade                Grade Point Value      

A+                                4.5                                                       Exceptional
A                                  4.0 - 4.4                                               Excellent
B+                                3.5 - 3.9                                               Very Good
B                                  3.0 - 3.4                                               Good
C+                                2.5 - 2.9                                               Satisfactory
C                                  2.0 - 2.4                                               Adequate
D                                  1.0 - 1.9                                               Marginal
F                                  0 – 0.9                                                 Failure

P                                                                                              Pass

S                                                                                              Standing