When Viewing Examples of Student Work:

Often a single example of work may not demonstrate all the required objectives for a particular assignment. Instead students should collectively consider: the required objectives for each assignment, the multiple examples presented on this website and during in class presentations. As well ideas discovered through a student's independent research in combination with various examples and ideas presented by instructor will ultimately be the best approach for synthesizing ideas and reaching the requirements (and unique outcome) for any particular course project. Attendance and participation in all classes and meeting with instructor with Art Assignments in progress well in advance of deadlines will increase chances for desired grade. To access all posts and links for the art part of this course go on the right side of this course website."LISTINGS FOR LECTURES (COURSE TOPICS) & ASSIGNMENTS"

Assignment 2 - Sketchbook Assignment Due Tues Nov 27

Sketch Book Assignment            Mathematics in Art - FA 1020 \ MATH 1020  
Instructor: Derek Brueckner  Fall 2012

The sketchbook is to be used to practice techniques and ideas presented in class, as well as to develop your own style and themes ideally in an innovative manner. It is a chance to experiment with: new processes, art materials and an opportunity to organize your thoughts and unique ideas and conceptualizations. The sketchbook should not be used for course notes for midterm or exam. Please note the sketchbook will not be returned prior to studying for final exam. Generally I will not be evaluating your art lecture notes but I will in part be using the sketchbook to get some sense if you have been seriously engaged in the overall course and lectures.

Due Date:
Tuesday November 27
 the sketchbook will be handed in at the beginning of class. Once I leave the room, any sketchbooks that are handed in to me will be considered late, and will be penalized (one letter grade per business day). I will not accept anything beyond three business days after the deadline.

Required Format of Sketchbook:
Your sketchbook must be 50 pages of your own: illustrations, drawings, designs, patterns, paintings, collages, visual notes/ideas for new work or works in progress, drawings on (taken or found) photographs/photocopies, this could also include multiple photocopies of your drawings and applying a variety of designs and art materials listed on the supply list given the first day of class. You must use experiment with at least one wet medium. Wet medium means you must use some form of paint in both sections of the sketchbook i.e.: watercolour, acrylic and or Gouache.

65% of the book (33 pages) This section must be explicitly related to the mathematical content of this course. Some portion of this should be based from presentations/exercises done in class. (See list and directions below and on next page)

35% of the book (17 pages) This section may be whatever you want in the mediums of your choice as presented on the supplies list, however, the sketchbook work must implicitly be related to the content of this course. This section of the sketchbook assignment should be about exploring different types of art materials (dry and wet) that are unfamiliar as well as investigating and thoroughly demonstrating a trial and error process in the manipulation of materials. In addition to investigating and thoroughly demonstrating a trial and error process of how different materials work together there should be an eventual discovery and or resolution in demonstrating which materials work best together and which materials do not work well together.

Your name should be legibly printed on the top right corner of the front cover.

Each page with work on it should be numbered. (if both sides of a page have work on it - then both sides should be numbered)

Create a table of contents, which is clearly labeled with corresponding pages numbers in the sketchbook and properly adhered to the backside of the front cover of the sketchbook. 

Specifically include and Tab the following points somewhere with in the 50 pages:
    Select specific pages, which you feel came the closest to working well in terms of combining and layering different art materials on individual pages.
     Pages that you feel are closest to synthesizing ideas, unknown materials which you feel are resolved in terms of interesting compositions, space and mastering new or materials that you do not have any experience with.
     The page that best represents your other side or your extreme side(s).
     Explore range of physicality in art materials (controlled, expressive, thin, thick, transparent, opaque, smooth, and rough applications of art materials)
     Indicate where your wet media was used
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Sketch Book Assignment            Mathematics in Art - FA 1020 \ MATH 1020  

Required Format of Sketchbook (continued):

Specifically include and Tab the following points in the 33 pages:
    Various Euclidean constructions integrated with a couple of black and white explorations, and a variety of colour explorations (roughly rendered)
    Perspectives (at minimum 1 point and 2 point examples) (drawings or drawings on photographs and or both)
    Find reproductions of works or make your own and divide into golden ratios/sections and modules.
As one example: Divide a golden rectangle into a square and another golden rectangle and put in an image or draw/paint an image that uses these “guide lines”
    Symmetries, patterns, wallpaper, tiling and tessellations
    Various types of Fractals
    Associated Objects: conics, platonic solids and other polyhedra
    Hyperbolic Plane and Geometry

Sketchbook Process and Additional Directions/Clarifications:
I do not expect a sketchbook to contain 50 masterpieces on each page, or even 50 completed drawings. For the sketchbook overall it is expected that people work on ideas from this course and that they develop concepts and techniques which eventually answer problems or clarify uncertainties regarding materials, concepts and techniques. The sketchbook should demonstrate ideas presented in the course and textbook as well as demonstrate an overall experimentation, exploration, innovation and risk taking. It is also anticipated that the occasional failure/or unresolved problem with the art materials will occur in a few select pages. Once again use the sketchbook to experiment and investigate art materials and ideas from the class. Use your research, investigations, experimentations and risk taking to eventually assist in a greater understanding as to how materials work. By using this new knowledge synthesize some of the processes into some specific resolved examples in the sketchbook.

The sketchbook should have a broad range of approaches. The approaches can include a sparingly use of black and white in select pages, while the majority of other pages should include colour explorations (a combination of roughly rendered and neatly filled in pages is the ultimate goal) Experimenting with a combination of black and white with colour on the same page is optional. Some pages should include line work while other pages should include filled in areas of planes and backgrounds and in some cases some of the work should include both on each page. At times utilize a multiple layering process with materials and as well at times consider an additive subtractive process with your materials. 

Explore your other side: If you are naturally messy try at times to work neatly. If you are more controlled and careful then on occasion try to work more expressively with the art materials. (either way investigate the physicality and “truth of materials”) Overall investigate and try to discover new things about art materials.

Please note: Not following the format requirements and directions will result in a deduction of .5 out of 10 total. (Read this assignment sheet very carefully) 

Return of Sketchbooks: 
The sketchbooks will not be stored indefinitely. If a sketchbook has not been picked up five days after the sketchbooks have been returned it will be disposed of. There will be a limited schedule as to when the sketchbook will be available for pick up after the return date. 
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