When Viewing Examples of Student Work:

Often a single example of work may not demonstrate all the required objectives for a particular assignment. Instead students should collectively consider: the required objectives for each assignment, the multiple examples presented on this website and during in class presentations. As well ideas discovered through a student's independent research in combination with various examples and ideas presented by instructor will ultimately be the best approach for synthesizing ideas and reaching the requirements (and unique outcome) for any particular course project. Attendance and participation in all classes and meeting with instructor with Art Assignments in progress well in advance of deadlines will increase chances for desired grade. To access all posts and links for the art part of this course go on the right side of this course website."LISTINGS FOR LECTURES (COURSE TOPICS) & ASSIGNMENTS"

Assignment 1 : Perspective Assignment (1 point and 2 point perspective) (10% of course grade)

Please note this assignment is from the Math in Art course from May to June 2012.
Check this course blog's menu for the updated version of this assignment specifically from the term you are enrolled in for this Math in Art course. 

Assignment 1 - Perspective Assignment (1 point and 2 point perspective)
Mathematics in Art - FA 1020 \ MATH 1020

Instructor: Derek Brueckner

*The text highlighted in yellow is additional information  for this perspective assignment not on  the original hard copy of assignment. If you have read the hard copy perspective assignment please make sure you read the yellow highlighted text.

In this example of a two point perspective all planes parallel in plan view have converging lines going to 2 points (vanishing points) in the image. As in many image examples such as this image a vanishing point or both points may be located outside the frame of the picture plane. As always these two vanishing points in a two point perspective are both positioned on the horizon line.  

For this assignment students will attempt to depict two examples which should include one example of 1 point perspective and one example of 2 point perspective.  

You may choose to complete this assignment with clear film over a photograph with converging lines, vanishing point(s) and a horizon line drawn by hand, using a straight edge or you may use photoshop and do a digital drawing on a digital photo of converging lines, vanishing point(s) and a horizon line and then print out the digital drawing/photo.  

On the front of each photo you must neatly print your first and last name, as presented in the example above label whether each photo example is either a 1 point perspective or 2 point perspective as the title of each work, neatly draw converging lines to vanishing points. Also label vanishing points and horizon lines in both examples.

Either way the idea for this assignment is take or find pictures (photographs from magazines) and depict converging lines on photos that demonstrate a clear comprehension of both 1 Point and 2 Point Perspectives in an interesting, challenging and unique presentation. The example presented here demonstrates a clear understanding of 2 point perspective and even though shows many complex converging lines in a deep space should be more adventurous and unique in terms of subject matter and overall selection of space. 

As suggested in the above description of the examples presented in this assignment these examples
may present an understanding of two point perspective in the assignment but are not stellar examples
(See the description of examples in the above text of this assignment why these examples are not
stellar) as well the last above image is incomplete and kind of quickly done. In the above work for the assignment the person missed the opportunity to draw in many more converging lines to both vanishing points and the horizon line was not drawn in nor was the work labelled with the title, the vanishing points, or the horizon line.

Discussion of Grading Process for Perspective Assignment:

Please note the above document regarding grading process for the Perspective Assignment was shown and discussed  in class Wed May 30 and Wed June 6 for clarification regarding grades for the Perspective Assignment. 

This exact same document regarding grading process for the Perspective Assignment is also posted on the Wed May 30 - Presentation 8 section of this course website/blog at: http://derekbruecknermathinartcourse.blogspot.ca/2012/06/wed-may-30-presentation-8-discussion-of.html